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Given their potential wellness benefits, it's no surprise that steam systems are growing in popularity. Taking a steam shower is a perfect way to relax after a busy day or recover after a workout.

What might be surprising, though, is that the practice of steam bathing (or a schvitz bath, as it's sometimes called) is actually an ancient one. As far back as the Neolithic period, some 12,000 years ago, it is believed that humans began gathering at natural hot springs for cleansing, relief from cold, and social connection.

The earliest steam baths were likely made in caves. As civilizations developed, more and more sophisticated bathing structures emerged. From England to Guatemala, archaeologists have uncovered structures made of wood or carved into stone that are believed to be ancient steam baths. These miraculous finds illuminate a long history of steam bathing and provide insight into its popularity today.

Steam Baths in Ancient Greece, Rome and Mesoamerica

For the ancient Greeks and Romans, steam bathing was an integral part of daily life. From Homer to Hippocrates, Greece's most famous philosophers and physicians wrote about the importance of these restorative baths.

Taking their cue from the Greeks, the Romans continued the practice and made it their own, enhancing the social and architectural aspects. While Greek baths tended to be smaller and more intimate, Roman steam showers were often very large and included a variety of rooms and facilities, from swimming pools to relaxation areas. Aqueducts were created to serve the baths, which exhibited sophisticated water and heating systems. In many cases, the public baths were egalitarian meeting places, open to all and generally accessible at no cost or for only a small entrance fee.

Both the Greeks and Romans recognized the many potential benefits of steam bathing—from personal hygiene to therapeutic applications. They used varying temperatures to produce the desired effects, slowly acclimating the body to greater and greater heat and then cooling it with a cold plunge. They also incorporated salts, herbs, oils, and other natural elements to elevate the steam's perceived cleansing and healing powers.

In ancient Mesoamerica, indigenous peoples like the Maya and Aztecs used temazcales, sweat lodges made of volcanic rock where cleansing and relaxation were achieved through steam. Everyone from battle-weary soldiers to pregnant women would engage in the steam bathing. 

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Steam Bathing Today

In recent years, growing interest in wellness has made steam bathing as popular as ever. All over the world baths are back in use, by the young and the old alike. But you don't have to travel to enjoy the many wellness benefits of steam bathing. Many people take advantage of local gym or spa facilities, while others enjoy steam bathing in the privacy of their own homes. Building your own steam shower is easier and more affordable than you might think, and you can personalize your steam experience by incorporating aromatherapy, lighting, music, Wi-Fi and other enhancements.

No matter how you enjoy your steam shower, you are continuing a time-honored tradition that can help us live better today.