7 total results for "metering"
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Results 4

TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) Information

TDS, or Total Dissolved Solids, is a measure of all of the dissolved solids in a water. The RO system will remove nearly all of these from the water. https://support.deltafaucet.com/s/article/TDS-Total-Dissolved-Solids-Information

Water Testing

The EPA's website is a good central starting point for learning about water testing. https://support.deltafaucet.com/s/article/Water-Testing

Battery Life Seems Short

There are a variety of reasons a Touch faucet's battery life may be shorter than expected. https://support.deltafaucet.com/s/article/Battery-Life-Seems-Short

¿Puedo usar comandos de voz, además de la tecnología Touch2O®, para activar mi llave?

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