Lavabo de cocina tipo estación de trabajo con un receptáculo calibre 16 de 33" de montaje superior encastrado, con reborde WorkFlow™ y accesorios en PVD gris plomizo

N.º de modelo: 95A9031-T33S-GS
Lavabo de cocina tipo estación de trabajo con un receptáculo calibre 16 de 33" de montaje superior encastrado, con reborde WorkFlow™ y accesorios en PVD gris plomizo
N.º de modelo: 95A9031-T33S-GS
Los lavabos tipo estación de trabajo de montaje superior encastrado Rivet™ de Delta® con acabado en acero inoxidable negro ofrecen una opción de color llamativa para los lavabos de cocina y cuentan con líneas definidas, esquinas bien redondeadas y accesorios modernos que no pasan inadvertidos en ningún espacio. Estos lavabos, diseñados con un reborde WorkFlow™ integrado que es compatible con accesorios deslizantes, crean un espacio de trabajo multifuncional que permite una transición fluida entre tareas. La tabla de cortar negra a juego y el escurridor de platos enrollable realzan la estética moderna de su lavabo y le permiten preparar alimentos y limpiar de forma práctica en un solo lugar. Estos lavabos son más duraderos y de mantenimiento sencillo gracias a que están fabricados en acero inoxidable calibre TRU16® altamente resistente. El acabado PVD DuraShield™ con textura mate arenada mejora la resistencia a la corrosión y los rayones, y previene las marcas de agua y de dedos. El diseño de montaje superior es ideal para reacondicionar porque se instala como un lavabo encastrado con cualquier encimera de cocina. La cubierta de montaje gruesa con 2 orificios preperforados permite la instalación de una llave para cocina y un dispensador de jabón. El aislamiento acústico NoiseDefend® reduce el ruido y las vibraciones mientras el lavabo está en uso. El receptáculo profundo con fondo suavemente inclinado y ranuras acanaladas tiene capacidad para muchos platos y facilita el desagüe, al tiempo que contiene el desorden y las salpicaduras dentro del lavabo. El kit de lavabo incluye rejilla inferior, conjunto de desagüe y tornillería de montaje. Con el respaldo de una garantía limitada de por vida para que pueda elegir los productos de Delta® con confianza
  • El LAVABO DE COCINA TIPO ESTACIÓN DE TRABAJO DE ACERO INOXIDABLE NEGRO con reborde WorkFlow™ crea un espacio de trabajo multifuncional en la cocina y reduce el desorden porque le permite trabajar justo encima del lavabo. El lavabo de montaje encastrado con cubierta de montaje biselada ofrece un aspecto de estilo contemporáneo que es fácil de limpiar. Diseñado con líneas definidas, esquinas bien redondeadas y accesorios modernos que no pasan inadvertidos en ninguna cocina.
  • DIMENSIONES EXTERIORES DEL LAVABO: 33" L x 22" A x 9.5" P – Dimensiones del receptáculo: 30.5" L x 16" A x 9" P – Tamaño mínimo del armario: 36" – El KIT INCLUYE lavabo tipo estación de trabajo, tabla de cortar, escurridor de platos enrollable con soporte para utensilios, rejilla inferior de acero inoxidable y conjunto de desagüe con cubierta decorativa en acabado a juego.
  • LARGA DURABILIDAD: Fabricado con acero inoxidable calibre TRU16® altamente resistente para soportar las necesidades diarias y resistir abolladuras y daños. - TECNOLOGÍA PVD DURASHIELD™: La innovadora aplicación de acabado con nanorrevestimiento brinda mayor durabilidad con gran resistencia a la corrosión y los rayones. La superficie mate arenada previene las marcas de agua y de dedos, y es fácil de limpiar.
  • El ACABADO EN ACERO INOXIDABLE NEGRO con efecto brillante ofrece una opción de color atrevida para los lavabos de cocina y crea una pieza central llamativa que complementa los electrodomésticos de cocina negros. LAVABO FÁCIL DE LIMPIAR con una superficie no porosa y esquinas redondeadas EZClean™ en la parte inferior del lavabo que ayudan a prevenir la acumulación de residuos con el tiempo.
  • El DISEÑO ENCASTRABLE permite una instalación sencilla de montaje superior con cualquier material de encimera de cocina, por lo que es IDEAL PARA REACONDICIONAR. La cubierta de montaje de 4 mm altamente resistente con borde biselado que se apoya contra la encimera crea un aspecto elegante y facilita la limpieza alrededor del lavabo. Incluye 2 orificios preperforados para instalar una llave para cocina y accesorios con facilidad.
  • EL RECEPTÁCULO AMPLIO Y PROFUNDO tiene capacidad para utensilios de gran tamaño, al tiempo que contiene el desorden y las salpicaduras dentro del lavabo. DISEÑADO PARA FACILITAR EL DESAGÜE con ranuras de desagüe y fondo suavemente inclinado que evitan que el agua se acumule en el lavabo. La pendiente optimizada evita que las copas frágiles se vuelquen. Los desagües DESPLAZADOS HACIA ATRÁS permiten contar con más espacio de almacenamiento en el armario inferior.
  • AISLAMIENTO ACÚSTICO NOISEDEFEND® con grandes almohadillas insonorizantes en todos los lados del lavabo que reducen en gran medida el ruido y las vibraciones del triturador de basura y el golpeteo de los platos. COMPLETAMENTE AISLADO con revestimiento inferior que previene la acumulación de humedad y reduce el riesgo de daños por agua en los armarios inferiores.
  • La TABLA DE CORTAR DE FIBRA DE MADERA le permite cortar y rebanar sin ocupar espacio en la encimera; su superficie no porosa es fácil de limpiar. El ESCURRIDOR DE PLATOS ENROLLABLE CON SOPORTE PARA UTENSILIOS fabricado en acero inoxidable macizo y con recubrimiento de silicona antideslizante es perfecto para secar los platos y lavar frutas y verduras. Es apto para lavavajillas, soporta temperaturas de hasta 400 °F y tiene capacidad para 85 lb.
  • La REJILLA INFERIOR con acabado en acero inoxidable negro a juego mantiene los platos elevados para mejorar el desagüe y protege la superficie del lavabo de abolladuras y rayones. Es apto para lavavajillas para facilitar su mantenimiento. El CONJUNTO DE DESAGÜE con cubierta con acabado a juego evita obstrucciones porque mantiene despejada la tubería de desagüe. La cubierta desmontable con laterales abiertos se ajusta a la abertura del desagüe y a la mayoría de los trituradores de basura, brinda un aspecto prolijo y facilita el desagüe.
  • LISTO PARA INSTALAR con toda la tornillería de montaje, rejilla inferior y conjunto de desagüe para que pueda llevar adelante su proyecto de mejora del hogar con facilidad. Plantilla de corte incluida para instalarlo con montaje bajo encimera. Con el respaldo de una GARANTÍA LIMITADA DE POR VIDA. Certificaciones cUPC (ASME A112.19.3 CSA B45.4).
Documentos y especificaciones
Información de instalación
Configuración del receptáculo:
Un receptáculo
Tipo de montaje:
Montaje superior
Forma del lavabo:
Cantidad de pilas:
Longitud total:
Ancho total:
Longitud del receptáculo:
Ancho del receptáculo:
Profundidad del receptáculo:
Tamaño mínimo del armario:
Longitud de la tabla de cortar:
Ancho de la tabla de cortar:
Altura de la tabla de cortar:
Desagüe incluido:
Abertura del desagüe:
Tornillería para el montaje incluida:
Calibre del lavabo:
Tipo de válvula:


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Mike y Hanna
Miniatura del logotipo de Delta

¿Necesita ayuda con la instalación? ¡Mike y Hannah están aquí para ayudar! Reciba consejos de los profesionales para todo, desde la instalación hasta el cuidado del producto.

Rated 4 out of 5 by from Delta Workstation Kitchen Sink Great Sink, happy with the quality. Would be 5 Star, if it had a steeper slope towards drain.
Date published: 2024-03-28
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Rounded corners would be helpful We have had the sink for about 6 months now. We love it. Only complaint / recommendation for Delta would be to round off the corners with future models. The 90 degree corners are harder to keep clean. Thanks for the good product.
Date published: 2024-01-14
Rated 1 out of 5 by from Stays filthy; acts cheap Waste of money. The water spots ruin it for me. Drainage is certainly a challenge. If you like dirty, full sinks, this is for you. Because cleaning it is a nightmare.
Date published: 2023-08-01
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Shout out Just got exemplary customer service from Quinn Allen who went above and beyond to handle my request.
Date published: 2023-07-28
Rated 5 out of 5 by from awesome buy great service and price, highly recommended great sink, would buy again
Date published: 2023-04-10
Rated 2 out of 5 by from Looks Beautiful Looks beautiful but very bad quality. You can see the water spots and it scratches easily
Date published: 2023-03-08
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Excellent product Perfect product all the items are beautiful a fit really well.
Date published: 2023-03-06
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Best choices & prices. Easy purchases & returns. GREAT staff and product selection along with super-fast shipping along with best prices...take a look!. Staff is very understanding, considerate and supporting throughout purchases and returns. Love them...repeat buyer. THANK YOU for all and best wishes!
Date published: 2023-02-02
Rated 2 out of 5 by from Seems to already be rusting! I bought this sink about a month ago and I'm already experiencing rust. I went with Delta given their stellar reputation but I'm really disappointed with this issue by the drain. The sink is otherwise pretty good. I went with an overmount because of how much more room I have vs an undermount with my small cabinet size and this sink otherwise hits the marks on satisfaction.
Date published: 2023-01-09
Rated 5 out of 5 by from great sink best I've ever had! As advertised great sink best I've ever had! All things good quiet, beautiful, and pretty...
Date published: 2022-12-27
Rated 4 out of 5 by from SINK for the price wish it was better for water spots and how you have to force water to drain
Date published: 2022-12-22
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Beautiful and Excellent Quality I was uneasy about ordering a sink sight unseen, but our new Delta Rivet 33" was installed on Friday and it exceeds any of my expectations. It is beautiful, so well made and the accessories add a great deal of functionality to the sink. The low divider is perfect! The divider itself is very thin which allows maximum space on both sides. The countertop fabricator and the plumber both had very positive things to say about its quality and aesthetic. I have not had any trouble with the water draining completely - the bottom has a slight slope to the middle. It is a beautiful addition to our kitchen remodel. Couldn't be happier.
Date published: 2022-12-12
Rated 1 out of 5 by from Flat Bottom, doesn’t drain Other reviews are right, bottom is too flat and we bought a squeegee to get the water down the drain. Read reviews on home improvement big box that were all good but now see they were promotional reviews. Looked at Amazon and rating was high, but now see most of those are not even for the sink. Came here and now I see this is a high priced piece of doo. Spent way too much including a plumber for install and had our new quartz cut for it. Hopefully we can find another that fits the hole. By the way, I called Delta support before buying and the nice young lady assured me that all Delta sinks are made in the USA. I wonder what state China is in because that is what the box says. Don’t bother answering with your lame customer service schtick.
Date published: 2022-10-31
Rated 2 out of 5 by from Regret purchasing this sink Very disappointed in this purchase. The water does not flow towards the drain. The base of the sink is not sloped in any way. I have to manually move food and waste particles to the drain every time I use the sink. On top of that, it scratched within the first week. Huge regret purchasing this sink for our new kitchen.
Date published: 2022-10-19
Rated 1 out of 5 by from Stay far, far away Zero stars. The bottom is almost flat, and everything dumped in the sink like coffee or milk has to be chased down from the perimeter by water. Our challenge is that it’s undercounted in expensive quartzite. Worst part of our remodel. I am actively looking for a replacement.
Date published: 2022-10-19
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Excellent Single Bowl Sink-Delta Excellent quality and price. Great compliment to my new countertops. The accessories fit perfectly and facilitate cleanup.
Date published: 2022-10-17
Rated 3 out of 5 by from Center drain si k I like the thing except for one thing, food in the sink doesn’t run to the drain so you have to remove the grill in the bottom to totally clean the sink bottom.
Date published: 2022-09-26
Rated 3 out of 5 by from Stainless steel sink High maintenance! Lots of water spotting. Have to constantly wipe down.
Date published: 2022-09-13
Rated 3 out of 5 by from Stainless steel double bowl kitchen sink The description is this...SatinSheen™ commercial-grade satin finish provides a smooth surface that’s easy to clean and maintain, so your sink stays beautiful with minimal effort. Drainage grooves and a gently sloped bottom improve drainage. It has not been as easy to clean as our other less expensive sink that we replaced. It is easily scratched. Water does not all go down the drain, it has to be sponged up or pushed towards the drain. I like the low divider.
Date published: 2022-09-11
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Under-mount Stainless Steel Sink This sink is beautiful and easy to maintain, even with the hard water in our area.
Date published: 2022-08-20
Rated 5 out of 5 by from A great outdoor sink. Our family loves this sink. All the accessories are great.
Date published: 2022-08-01
Rated 4 out of 5 by from The shape of you. Love the sink. The split in the sink allows the pot handle to fit cleaning. The rack is my new favorite accessory. It holds wet cloths or let’s sponges dry. Cutting board works for us and saves space. Disappointed that bottom is too flat. The water doesn’t run to the drain and I can’t just spray rinse it clean. It must be wiped out by hand each time for cleaning.
Date published: 2022-07-05
Rated 1 out of 5 by from Won’t buy again. For remodel as I am remote and have to depend on others Not happy with sink as the logo for delta was off center and the contractor workers didn’t notice before granite was installed so to late to return.
Date published: 2022-06-27
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Beautiful and functional Beautiful sink. Large and love the accessories! Perfect for large dishes and love the modern design.
Date published: 2022-06-25
Rated 4 out of 5 by from Faucet The spray from faucet is what very wide. It sprays straight down so doesn’t cover much area. Otherwise happy with it
Date published: 2022-06-08
Rated 1 out of 5 by from Rusts immediately Already rusting I’ve used it twice.
Date published: 2022-04-26
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Nice looking and functional Heavy stainless sink with nice accessories.
Date published: 2022-04-19
Rated 5 out of 5 by from The customer service was out of this world! Great sink, love it, it’s made well
Date published: 2022-04-04
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Gorgeous Such a gorgeous piece. The quality of the sink is more than perfect, it is very sturdy and looks so fancy. Was easy to install and fits perfectly. I really like the accessories that comes with it. The drying rack and the cutting board.
Date published: 2021-12-13
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Comes with everything you need We were looking for a bigger sink and got this one. It is really nice quality and comes with a cutting board, a roll up dish rack and a bottom grid. It's got a beautiful satin sheen finish and comes with soundproofing to reduce noise when running water or even the garbage disposal. The best part is it's a large all open sink so you can wash those big hard to fit in a normal sink items. I'm super impressed with this sink. If you're in the market you need to check it out!
Date published: 2021-12-07
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Preguntas y respuestas

Where is this sink manufactured?

Asked by: Nick
Thank you for your interest in our kitchen sink! We can confirm this sink, model 95B9031-24SL-SS, is manufactured in one of our Delta Manufacturing Plants located in Southeast Asia. Please feel free to contact us directly by phone at 1-800-345-3358 or email at with any additional questions.
Answered by: Customer Service
Date published: 2024-12-12

I would like to purchase additional accessories for this sink, Delta Rivet 45". Mainly the black rolling drying mat. Where can I purchase from? Cannot find accessories online.

Asked by: Marla

purchased 95A9031-T30S-GS and would like to purchase additional accessory package but unable to find parts.

Asked by: gary
Hi gary, Thank you for your interest in our kitchen sink! Please feel free to contact us directly by phone at 1-800-345-3358 or email at to let us know which accessories you would like to purchase for your sink.
Answered by: Customer Service
Date published: 2024-10-07

Are there any plans to add additional accessories to the Rivet? We are interested in a workstation sink that also has a built in colander as well. 

Asked by: Renovator
Hi Renovator, Thanks for reaching out. We will be introducing additional accessories, like Colanders, later this year.
Answered by: Customer Service
Date published: 2024-03-28

Can additional holes be cut for RO and soap dispensers?

Asked by: Tbone
Hi Tbone, Thank you for reaching out, I can answer your inquiry. The creation of additional holes is not recommended as it can potentially reduce the structural integrity of the sink. Please be aware however, that one accessory hole does already exist on the sink for dispensers and RO units. Please feel free to contact us directly by phone at 1-800-345-3358 or email at with any additional questions.
Answered by: Customer Service
Date published: 2024-01-31

I needed an extra dish drying rack that comes with this sink. Can I buy it separately?

Asked by: Whyatt
Thanks for reaching out to us. Yes, we can provide them directly. Please contact us directly by phone at 1-800-345-3358 or email at if further assistance is needed at this time.
Answered by: MSINK
Date published: 2024-03-28

Is this sink stamped out of one piece of stainless? As in, are there any seams that are welded or anything else? Thanks!

Asked by: Clint
Hi Clint, Thank you for reaching out, I can answer that for you. This model sink 95B931-30S-SS is hand made out of sheets of high quality stainless and welded together. Please feel free to contact us directly by phone at 1-800-345-3358 or email at with any additional questions.
Answered by: Customer Service
Date published: 2024-03-14

What would be the difference between the Rivet and the Lorelai lines? I can only find that the plastic parts are black vs. grey and the board acacia vs. black dishwasher safe, is there anything i am missing?

Asked by: Alex
Thanks for reaching out to us. Yes, although both sink series look similar, there are some differences. The Rivet Collection offers R0 corner radius and the Lorelai offers R10 (for inner bowl) . The drain placement is also different with many of the Lorelai sinks having offset drains on the right-hand side of the sink and the Rivet series offering center rear drains. Please contact us directly by phone at 1-800-345-3358 or email at with any additional questions.
Answered by: Mike
Date published: 2024-03-28
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* El precio real puede variar, y lo determina el minorista/mayorista/distribuidor que vende el producto.