Lavabo de cocina tipo estación de trabajo con dos receptáculos calibre 16 de 33" de montaje bajo encimera, con reborde WorkFlow™ y accesorios en PVD gris plomizo

N.º de modelo: 95B9031-33D-GS
Lavabo de cocina tipo estación de trabajo con dos receptáculos calibre 16 de 33" de montaje bajo encimera, con reborde WorkFlow™ y accesorios en PVD gris plomizo
N.º de modelo: 95B9031-33D-GS
Los lavabos tipo estación de trabajo de montaje bajo encimera Rivet™ de Delta® con acabado en acero inoxidable negro ofrecen una opción de color llamativa para los lavabos de cocina y cuentan con líneas definidas, esquinas bien redondeadas y accesorios modernos que no pasan inadvertidos en ningún espacio. Estos lavabos, diseñados con un reborde WorkFlow™ integrado que es compatible con accesorios deslizantes, crean un espacio de trabajo multifuncional que permite una transición fluida entre tareas. El kit incluye una tabla de cortar negra a juego y un escurridor de platos enrollable que realzan la estética moderna de su lavabo y le permiten preparar alimentos y limpiar de forma práctica en un solo lugar. Estos lavabos son más duraderos y de mantenimiento sencillo gracias a que están fabricados en acero inoxidable calibre TRU16® altamente resistente. El acabado PVD DuraShield™ con textura mate arenada mejora la resistencia a la corrosión y los rayones, y previene las marcas de agua y de dedos. El diseño de montaje bajo encimera se instala fácilmente para ofrecer un aspecto prolijo sin que la cubierta de montaje quede expuesta, lo que le permite fregar el agua y las migas directamente en el lavabo. El aislamiento acústico NoiseDefend® reduce el ruido y las vibraciones mientras el lavabo está en uso. Los dos receptáculos profundos permiten realizar múltiples tareas gracias al divisor bajo PerfectFit™, que brinda espacio adicional para lavar objetos grandes, como bandejas de horno. Las ranuras acanaladas facilitan el desagüe. El kit de lavabo incluye rejilla inferior, conjunto de desagüe y tornillería de montaje. Todos los lavabos de cocina cuentan con el respaldo de una garantía limitada de por vida para que pueda elegir los productos de Delta® con confianza
  • El LAVABO TIPO ESTACIÓN DE TRABAJO DE ACERO INOXIDABLE NEGRO con reborde WorkFlow™ crea un espacio de trabajo multifuncional en la cocina y reduce el desorden porque le permite trabajar justo encima del lavabo. El lavabo de montaje bajo encimera ofrece un aspecto y una sensación refinados con una transición continua de la encimera al lavabo. Diseñado con líneas definidas, esquinas bien redondeadas y accesorios modernos que no pasan inadvertidos en ninguna cocina.
  • DIMENSIONES EXTERIORES DEL LAVABO: 33" L x 19" A x 9.5" P – Dimensiones del receptáculo: 31" L x 16" A x 9" P – Tamaño mínimo del armario: 36" – El KIT INCLUYE lavabo tipo estación de trabajo, tabla de cortar, escurridor de platos enrollable con soporte para utensilios, alfombrilla de secado de silicona, rejilla inferior de acero inoxidable (2) y conjunto de desagüe (2) con cubierta decorativa (2) en acabado a juego.
  • LARGA DURABILIDAD: Fabricado con acero inoxidable calibre TRU16® altamente resistente para soportar las necesidades diarias y resistir abolladuras y daños. - TECNOLOGÍA PVD DURASHIELD™: La innovadora aplicación de acabado con nanorrevestimiento brinda mayor durabilidad con gran resistencia a la corrosión y los rayones. La superficie mate arenada previene las marcas de agua y de dedos, y es fácil de limpiar.
  • El ACABADO EN ACERO INOXIDABLE NEGRO con efecto brillante ofrece una opción de color atrevida para los lavabos de cocina y crea una pieza central llamativa que complementa los electrodomésticos de cocina negros. LAVABO FÁCIL DE LIMPIAR con una superficie no porosa y esquinas redondeadas EZClean™ en la parte inferior del lavabo que ayudan a prevenir la acumulación de residuos con el tiempo.
  • El DISEÑO DE MONTAJE BAJO ENCIMERA ofrece transición continua de la encimera al lavabo. Esto facilita la limpieza de la encimera porque le permite fregar el agua y las migas directamente en el lavabo. El lavabo se monta debajo de la encimera, sin una cubierta de montaje expuesta donde queden residuos, y crea un aspecto de estilo contemporáneo elegante.
  • Los DOS RECEPTÁCULOS 50/50 AMPLIOS Y PROFUNDOS con divisor bajo PerfectFit™ son ideales para realizar múltiples tareas con espacio adicional para lavar objetos grandes sin que el agua desborde sobre la encimera de la cocina. DISEÑADO PARA FACILITAR EL DESAGÜE con ranuras de desagüe y fondo suavemente inclinado que evitan que el agua se acumule en el lavabo. La pendiente optimizada evita que las copas frágiles se vuelquen. Los desagües DESPLAZADOS HACIA ATRÁS permiten contar con más espacio de almacenamiento en el armario inferior.
  • AISLAMIENTO ACÚSTICO NOISEDEFEND® con grandes almohadillas insonorizantes en todos los lados del lavabo que reducen en gran medida el ruido y las vibraciones del triturador de basura y el golpeteo de los platos. COMPLETAMENTE AISLADO con revestimiento inferior que previene la acumulación de humedad y reduce el riesgo de daños por agua en los armarios inferiores.
  • La TABLA DE CORTAR DE FIBRA DE MADERA le permite cortar y rebanar sin ocupar espacio en la encimera; su superficie no porosa es fácil de limpiar. El ESCURRIDOR DE PLATOS ENROLLABLE CON SOPORTE PARA UTENSILIOS fabricado en acero inoxidable macizo y con recubrimiento de silicona antideslizante es perfecto para secar los platos y lavar frutas y verduras. Es apto para lavavajillas, soporta temperaturas de hasta 400 °F y tiene capacidad para 85 lb. La ALFOMBRILLA DE SECADO DE SILICONA con desagüe propio para secar cristalería y utensilios evita que tenga que mojar las encimeras de su cocina.
  • La REJILLA INFERIOR con acabado en acero inoxidable negro a juego mantiene los platos elevados para mejorar el desagüe y protege la superficie del lavabo de abolladuras y rayones. Es apto para lavavajillas para facilitar su mantenimiento. El CONJUNTO DE DESAGÜE con cubierta con acabado a juego evita obstrucciones porque mantiene despejada la tubería de desagüe. La cubierta desmontable con laterales abiertos se ajusta a la abertura del desagüe y a la mayoría de los trituradores de basura, brinda un aspecto prolijo y facilita el desagüe.
  • LISTO PARA INSTALAR con toda la tornillería de montaje, rejilla inferior y conjunto de desagüe para que pueda llevar adelante su proyecto de mejora del hogar con facilidad. Plantilla de corte incluida para instalarlo con montaje bajo encimera. Con el respaldo de una GARANTÍA LIMITADA DE POR VIDA. Certificaciones cUPC (ASME A112.19.3 CSA B45.4).
Documentos y especificaciones
Información de instalación
Configuración del receptáculo:
Dos receptáculos simétricos
Tipo de montaje:
Montaje inferior
Forma del lavabo:
Cantidad de pilas:
Longitud total:
Ancho total:
Longitud del receptáculo:
Ancho del receptáculo:
Profundidad del receptáculo:
Tamaño mínimo del armario:
Longitud de la tabla de cortar:
Ancho de la tabla de cortar:
Altura de la tabla de cortar:
Desagüe incluido:
Abertura del desagüe:
Tornillería para el montaje incluida:
Calibre del lavabo:
Tipo de válvula:


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Mike y Hanna
Miniatura del logotipo de Delta

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Rated 5 out of 5 by from Gorgeous Such a gorgeous piece. The quality of the sink is more than perfect, it is very sturdy and looks so fancy. Was easy to install and fits perfectly. I really like the accessories that comes with it. The drying rack and the cutting board.
Date published: 2021-12-13
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Comes with everything you need We were looking for a bigger sink and got this one. It is really nice quality and comes with a cutting board, a roll up dish rack and a bottom grid. It's got a beautiful satin sheen finish and comes with soundproofing to reduce noise when running water or even the garbage disposal. The best part is it's a large all open sink so you can wash those big hard to fit in a normal sink items. I'm super impressed with this sink. If you're in the market you need to check it out!
Date published: 2021-12-07
Rated 5 out of 5 by from It’s Everything It’s literally everything including itself. If you are in the market then I highly recommend you go the same route. It’s quality for cost and durability are what you are looking for if you want to make the correct choice.
Date published: 2021-12-07
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Spacious Work Station!!! Let me start by saying that we are not plumbers. We went from a double sink to this Delta work station. We weren't sure if we'd like this style before we installed it but decided to try it out. Let me say, we'll never go back to the traditional double sink again!!! We were able to install it ourselves and included pics of new plumbing just in case it helps anyone else out. It is so spacious and just makes sense. There's a groove to rest the cutting board and strainer in so it stays in place while using. There's a lower removable shelf so when your draining something it's not sitting in water and also helps protect the sink from scratches. I get out the cutting board as needed but keep the sink strainer on the sink folded up so it's always handy. It takes up very little space when folded. I love the fact that the cutting board is over the sink which is so helpful when you're cutting up juicy fruits like pineapple and melons. Cleanup is a breeze because you're working over the sink. We cannot say enough good things about this sink. Perfect design and we highly recommend it!
Date published: 2021-12-01
Rated 5 out of 5 by from No more back & forth Cooking can be a pain when you have to keep going back and forth from the sink to the counter. With the DELTA Rivet 33” Workstation Kitchen Sink Drop-In Top Mount 16 Gauge Stainless Steel Single Bowl with WorkFlow Ledge and Accessories; going back and forth while cooking is a thing of the past. With this sink your able to prep and wash your food all while at your kitchen sink. This workstation sink has a removable cutting board and a roll up dish rack. The bowl inside is large and gives you plenty of space to work and clean. This sink is well made and durable that will last. The stainless steel comes with a SatinSheen finish that will protect it from rust, corrosion, and fading. Installation is simple with the predrilled holes for the faucet and sink. All the mounting hardware is included and can be placed over any counter top. This sink is beautiful and is a threat upgrade to your traditional sink. I would recommend this sink not only for the functionality but also for the quality.
Date published: 2021-11-29
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Nice Sink! This delta sink is amazing. It is nice and big and all the prep places are so great. I love that it gives you so much space inside as well as utilizing the tools for more space. The roll out rack with the pocket to hold food extras is great. If you are chopping something on the cutting board and then need to toss out the excess you can just put it in the little cup to toss after you are done prepping. I really like how the cutting board fits right into the ridges of the sink so it’s literally all in one place for you. Highly recommend this sink for anyone who does any kind of cutting of veggies or fruits.
Date published: 2021-11-29
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Beautiful sink This sink is phenomenal ,This sink is great! It adds to the beauty of my kitchen and the accessories are very handy and useful .I absolutely love my new sink. One of the best upgrades to my kitchen this year by far.
Date published: 2021-11-28
Rated 5 out of 5 by from smart I love these single basin sinks as they make washing for larger pots and pans so easy. It is so nice and deep. Stainless steel is easy for clean ups. It is very well designed. We spent money changing out our old sink but it is well worth it.
Date published: 2021-11-23
Rated 5 out of 5 by from This sink is multifunctional This delta sink is amazing. It is nice and big and all the prep places are so great. I love that it gives you so much space inside as well as utilizing the tools for more space. The roll out rack with the pocket to hold food extras is great. If you are chopping something on the cutting board and then need to toss out the excess you can just put it in the little cup to toss after you are done prepping. I really like how the cutting board fits right into the ridges of the sink so it’s literally all in one place for you. Highly recommend this sink for anyone who does any kind of cutting of veggies or fruits.
Date published: 2021-11-20
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Preguntas y respuestas

Where is this sink manufactured?

Asked by: Nick
Thank you for your interest in our kitchen sink! We can confirm this sink, model 95B9031-24SL-SS, is manufactured in one of our Delta Manufacturing Plants located in Southeast Asia. Please feel free to contact us directly by phone at 1-800-345-3358 or email at with any additional questions.
Answered by: Customer Service
Date published: 2024-12-12

How do I clean the sink and restore the shine? What are the approved and effective cleaners. After a few months the finish is dull. 

Asked by: How to Clean Sink
Hi valued customer, Thank you for your question. We are happy to help!\ We recommend using mild soap and water for everyday cleaning, as well as stainless steel cleaners designed specifically for cleaning stainless steel. A popular option for stronger cleaning is Barkeeper’s Friend and a fine (white) 3M Scotch Brite pad. Avoid cleaners with harsh chemicals like chlorine, bleach, or ammonia as these items can cause damage to the sink surface. Also avoid aggressive abrasives. Please reach out with any additional questions! Best Regards, Bryan Digital Communications Specialist
Answered by: Delta
Date published: 2025-01-13

Can one use Bar Keepers Friend to clean the PVD Gunmetal double bowl workstation sink Model#: 95B9031-33D-GS or will that damage the black coating/color/finish?

Asked by: ToniD
Hi ToniD, Thank you for reaching out. You can definitely use Bar Keeper's Friend Soft Cleanser on the PVD Gunmetal finish. Please feel free to contact us directly by phone at 1-800-345-3358 or email at with any further questions or concerns.
Answered by: Customer Service
Date published: 2024-04-17

What is the price of the sink?

Asked by: Bernie
Hi Bernie, Thank you for your interest in our kitchen sink! I can answer that for you! You can search what retailers are selling this model 95B9031-33D-GS for by clicking on the where to buy button seen here - Please feel free to contact us directly by phone at 1-800-345-3358 or email at with any additional questions.
Answered by: Customer Service
Date published: 2024-01-31

I would like to purchase additional accessories for this sink, Delta Rivet 45". Mainly the black rolling drying mat. Where can I purchase from? Cannot find accessories online.

Asked by: Marla

purchased 95A9031-T30S-GS and would like to purchase additional accessory package but unable to find parts.

Asked by: gary
Hi gary, Thank you for your interest in our kitchen sink! Please feel free to contact us directly by phone at 1-800-345-3358 or email at to let us know which accessories you would like to purchase for your sink.
Answered by: Customer Service
Date published: 2024-10-07

Are there any plans to add additional accessories to the Rivet? We are interested in a workstation sink that also has a built in colander as well. 

Asked by: Renovator
Hi Renovator, Thanks for reaching out. We will be introducing additional accessories, like Colanders, later this year.
Answered by: Customer Service
Date published: 2024-03-28

Can additional holes be cut for RO and soap dispensers?

Asked by: Tbone
Hi Tbone, Thank you for reaching out, I can answer your inquiry. The creation of additional holes is not recommended as it can potentially reduce the structural integrity of the sink. Please be aware however, that one accessory hole does already exist on the sink for dispensers and RO units. Please feel free to contact us directly by phone at 1-800-345-3358 or email at with any additional questions.
Answered by: Customer Service
Date published: 2024-01-31
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* El precio real puede variar, y lo determina el minorista/mayorista/distribuidor que vende el producto.