Lavabo de cocina para barra/preparación de alimentos tipo estación de trabajo con un receptáculo de acero inoxidable calibre 16 de 17" de montaje bajo encimera, con reborde WorkFlow™ y accesorios en acero inoxidable

N.º de modelo: 95B9032-17S-SS
Lavabo de cocina para barra/preparación de alimentos tipo estación de trabajo con un receptáculo de acero inoxidable calibre 16 de 17" de montaje bajo encimera, con reborde WorkFlow™ y accesorios en acero inoxidable
N.º de modelo: 95B9032-17S-SS
La colección de lavabos tipo estación de trabajo Lorelai™ de Delta® se define por sus líneas elegantes y esquinas suavemente redondeadas, y ofrece un aspecto de estilo de transición elegante que combina a la perfección con cualquier estilo de cocina. Estos lavabos están diseñados con un reborde WorkFlow™ integrado que facilita la preparación de alimentos en el lavabo porque crea una superficie de trabajo multifuncional para una transición fluida entre tareas. Este lavabo con un receptáculo tiene dimensiones compactas, lo que lo hace ideal para usarlo como lavabo secundario para la preparación de alimentos o lavabo para barra en la zona de ocio de su casa. La tabla de cortar de acacia crea espacio adicional en la encimera porque le permite trabajar sobre el lavabo. La alfombrilla de secado de silicona con desagüe propio canaliza el agua hacia el lavabo y evita que se mojen las encimeras de cocina. Su fabricación de acero inoxidable calibre TRU16™ altamente resistente ofrece mayor durabilidad para que pueda usar el lavabo con confianza. El diseño de montaje bajo encimera se instala fácilmente para ofrecer un aspecto prolijo sin que la cubierta de montaje quede expuesta, lo que le permite fregar el agua y las migas directamente en el lavabo. El aislamiento acústico NoiseDefend™ reduce el ruido y las vibraciones de los platos y el triturador de basura. El acabado SatinSheen™ proporciona una superficie lisa y fácil de limpiar, para que el lavabo conserve su belleza con menos esfuerzo. Las ranuras acanaladas y el fondo inclinado ayudan a mejorar el desagüe, y las esquinas EZClean™ reducen la acumulación de residuos con el tiempo. El kit de lavabo incluye tornillería de montaje, rejilla inferior protectora y un conjunto de desagüe para agilizar la instalación. Siéntase cómodo en su cocina sabiendo que los lavabos de Delta® cuentan con el respaldo de una garantía limitada de por vida.
  • El LAVABO PARA BARRA/PREPARACIÓN DE ALIMENTOS TIPO ESTACIÓN DE TRABAJO con reborde WorkFlow™ crea un espacio de trabajo multifuncional en la cocina y reduce el desorden porque le permite trabajar justo encima del lavabo. Las elegantes esquinas redondeadas ofrecen un aspecto de estilo de transición que combina a la perfección con cualquier estilo de cocina.
  • DIMENSIONES EXTERIORES DEL LAVABO: 17" L x 19" A x 9 1/2" P – Dimensiones del receptáculo: 15" L x 16" A x 9" P – Tamaño mínimo del armario: 21
  • El KIT INCLUYE lavabo para barra tipo estación de trabajo de acero inoxidable, tabla de cortar/cubierta de lavabo de acacia, alfombrilla de secado de silicona, rejilla inferior de acero inoxidable, conjunto de desagüe de acero inoxidable con cubierta desmontable. El lavabo listo para instalar viene con la tornillería y plantilla de corte incluidas.
  • ACERO INOXIDABLE CALIBRE TRU16™: Los lavabos tipo estación de trabajo de DELTA® están fabricados con acero calibre 16 altamente resistente para soportar las necesidades diarias y ofrecer larga durabilidad. El acabado SatinSheen™ resistente al desgaste es fácil de mantener y resiste el óxido, la corrosión y la decoloración.
  • El LAVABO DE MONTAJE BAJO ENCIMERA se instala fácilmente para crear un aspecto prolijo sin que la cubierta de montaje quede expuesta, lo que le permite fregar el agua y las migas en el lavabo. El diseño de un receptáculo con dimensiones compactas es ideal para usar como lavabo para barra o preparación de alimentos, con desagüe desplazado hacia atrás que ofrece más espacio de almacenamiento en el armario inferior.
  • La tecnología de AISLAMIENTO ACÚSTICO NOISEDEFEND™ con almohadillas insonorizantes extragruesas en todos los lados del lavabo reduce en gran medida el ruido y las vibraciones mientras el lavabo está en uso. El revestimiento inferior anticondensación previene la acumulación de humedad para reducir el riesgo de daños por agua en los armarios inferiores.
  • La TABLA DE CORTAR/CUBIERTA DE LAVABO DE ACACIA se coloca de forma segura sobre el lavabo y extiende el espacio para poder cortar y rebanar sin ocupar espacio en la encimera de la cocina. La superficie no porosa es fácil de limpiar.
  • La ALFOMBRILLA DE SECADO DE SILICONA con superficie antideslizante es ideal para secar platos, cristalería y utensilios, además de que despeja el desorden de las encimeras de la cocina. El diseño con desagüe propio canaliza el agua directamente al lavabo y evita que tenga que mojar las encimeras. La construcción de silicona flexible es impermeable y apta para lavavajillas.
  • La REJILLA INFERIOR DE ACERO INOXIDABLE mantiene los platos elevados para mejorar el desagüe y protege la superficie del lavabo. Es apto para lavavajillas para facilitar su mantenimiento. El conjunto de desagüe de acero inoxidable mantiene despejada la tubería de desagüe y evita obstrucciones. La cubierta desmontable se ajusta a la abertura del desagüe y a la mayoría de los trituradores de basura, brinda un aspecto prolijo y facilita el desagüe.
  • El LAVABO FÁCIL DE LIMPIAR tiene una superficie no porosa y esquinas redondeadas EZClean™ que evitan la acumulación de residuos con el tiempo. Las ranuras de desagüe canalizan el agua directamente hacia el desagüe y evitan que el agua se acumule en el lavabo. La pendiente optimizada evita que las copas frágiles se vuelquen. Certificaciones cUPC (ASME A112.19.3 CSA B45.4).
Documentos y especificaciones
Información de instalación
Configuración del receptáculo:
Un receptáculo
Tipo de montaje:
Montaje inferior
Forma del lavabo:
Cantidad de pilas:
Longitud total:
Ancho total:
Longitud del receptáculo:
Ancho del receptáculo:
Profundidad del receptáculo:
Tamaño mínimo del armario:
Desagüe incluido:
Abertura del desagüe:
Tornillería para el montaje incluida:
Calibre del lavabo:
Tipo de válvula:


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Mike y Hanna
Miniatura del logotipo de Delta

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Rated 5 out of 5 by from Love it! I like this sink more than expected. It's so functional.
Date published: 2024-08-11
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Pleased good looking, quiet, very pleased.
Date published: 2024-08-05
Rated 2 out of 5 by from Buyer beware: scratches ahead! We were finally able to remodel our 1999 kitchen and I did so much research on sinks. Decided on the Lorelai and wanted to see it in person before ordering, but it was online only. Our kitchen isn't even finished yet but the sink is installed. PROS: It is beautiful and I can't wait to be able to try all the accessories. Size and depth are perfect. CONS: Sink does not drain easily, I use my hand or a microfiber towel to move the water into the drain. As others have said, the one piece grid on the bottom is hard to clean and difficult to maneuver. I am also finding that the grid's feet are marring the stainless surface. The biggest problem so far is that the surface scratches so easily and is nearly impossible to keep clean. You can't let any type food/liquid sit on the surface for very long, and this includes water. Who wants a sink that constantly holds water spots?! At least once daily (usually at night) I have to totally clean it (Dawn and microfiber towel) and then towel it dry. I can't restore it to it's pristine condition, just trying to limit further degradation. My contractor told me to use Barkeeper's Friend to get the scratches out, but I don't think the delicate stainless could handle it. I sure miss my good ole 1999 workhorse stainless sink. This new sink is not going to hold up at all, especially once our kitchen is finished and we use it daily. As another review said, it's an embarrassment to have a stained/scratched up sink in your brand new kitchen. Such a huge disappointment, I expected better from Delta.
Date published: 2024-04-17
Rated 4 out of 5 by from Great system especially for smaller kitchens Great workspace setup. Especially useful for small kitchens.
Date published: 2024-04-07
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Excellent sink for small kitchens Four months in and so far I would rate the 25" Lorelai among the best sinks my wife and I have ever used. The sink itself is both heavy and quiet and cleans easily. We find the bottom rack no more difficult to clean than any like product and we love the drying rack.
Date published: 2023-12-26
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Utilitarian but looks great love the sink! it's huge and I feel like it can tackle all the prep and cooking tasks I throw at it. The dish rack is great, but I mostly use if for rinsing off veggies. I havent used the cutting board or other dish mat yet. Note: make sure your contractor has the countertop cut flush to the edge! ours didnt, even though they had the template. Countertop guys had to come back out and make the hole bigger.
Date published: 2023-12-10
Rated 4 out of 5 by from Very Nice Single-Bowl Sink We purchased our Lorelei undermount from Lowe’s and are very happy with it. I’ll chime in that, like others have said, a split sink grate would be an improvement. I also wish I could purchase the roll-up drying rack as ours didn’t include one.
Date published: 2023-09-30
Rated 3 out of 5 by from Great sink but needs a 2-piece sink protector After using this sink for about a year, I'm having to change my review down to 3 stars. I love this sink, but the fact that there is only a one-piece sink protector is enough for me to have to remove a star. Because the grate is so large, it's really an ordeal to clean the sink as you have to remove the grate to the countertop (and need enough clean counterspace to do so), scrub the sink and manhandle the grate to clean it before returning it to the sink. It's too large for the dishwasher, too. I'd like to clean my sink every day, but this process often prevents me from doing so and I find it to be a messier process than it needs to be. I'm looking at buying a silicone mat to replace the stainless-steel protector, which is a shame (another $40 and not even as nice as a stainless-steel rack). Delta really needs to rethink their protector and make it more user friendly. I made this request a year ago, but it doesn't look like they've made any progress. This sink deserves 5 stars, but not with the protector provided.
Date published: 2023-09-10
Rated 5 out of 5 by from A great sink Installed in our new kitchen ~6 months ago as a prep sink in the island. It is great: roomy, deep, heavy duty. The bottom grid and drying rack are helpful. The cutting board looks nice but doesn't get used. We got this one to match the main sink (same model, 32" size) rather than for the accessories or task functions.
Date published: 2023-09-06
Rated 4 out of 5 by from Great heavy duty sink. Accessories are hit or miss. Installed in our new kitchen ~6 months ago. It is a fantastic, roomy, heavy duty stainless sink. It feels solid and sounds quiet. The strainer and basket are shallow, which I like. The accessories are hit or miss. Positive: we use the drying mat and the roll-up drying rack all the time. It avoids needing to have a larger drying rack on the counter 90% of the time. A solid win. Neutral: the bottom grid is nice, but it gets gross pretty quickly and it doesn't fit in a dish washer. I end up scrubbing it with a brush once a week. As a previous reviewer suggested, I agree it would be great to have a 2-piece grid. Also, one of the rubber feet is damaged and is scratching the sink, so I need to do something about that. Negative: the cutting board looks nice but, honestly, I'll never use it. We have plenty of counter space and other cutting boards of more convenient size, so really not helpful.
Date published: 2023-09-03
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Great sink - beautiful and functional We replaced a double bowl sink with this 32” single bowl workstation sink as part of a kitchen refresh. We love it. The extra space is great, the drying rack works well, and the sink drains quickly and completely. We have been using it for 3 months and the finish is holding up well. Overall, I would say I am delighted with the purchase. We bought from Costco and their package included a great Delta faucet as well.
Date published: 2023-08-11
Rated 4 out of 5 by from Overall nice sink Love the size of this sink but wish the rack in bottom was only partial like in my old sink. Hard to clean with rack coving the entire bottom without removing accessories then rack.
Date published: 2023-07-23
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Great sink Love this sink. Good size and plenty deep.
Date published: 2023-06-22
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Quality, looks, and functionality are excellent This exceeds all of our expectations for quality, functionality and appearance.
Date published: 2023-05-25
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Very happy with my purchase after weeks of research It's everything I was looking for in my new kitchen sink. It looks beautiful after the install.
Date published: 2023-05-01
Rated 3 out of 5 by from Strainer falls apart Like the sink and all the features, but the drain strainer won’t stay screwed together. The screw just spins. This was put in as new build. We have only been in house for 3 months.3 stars until I get new strainer basket that stays together.
Date published: 2023-03-22
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Beauty & function This sink is gorgeous. The accessories add a lot of function and the drain covers really give a clean polished look. The stainless is 16 Gauge rather than the more conman 18 gauge so it is more heavy duty. Plumber had no trouble with installation.
Date published: 2023-03-06
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Perfect sink. Super nice sink, great quality and very easy to install.
Date published: 2023-02-07
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Good drainage. Sink is great for drainage -client loves the extra drain rack
Date published: 2023-01-27
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Delta Workstation Sink Worked perfect for our application
Date published: 2023-01-23
Rated 2 out of 5 by from Slow draining, pointless accessories Had the sink about a month so far. Fit and finish seems ok so far but sink drains really slow. It's connected to the same venting that the sink it replaced, which had no drainage problems. Not sure why it drains so slow, the strainer definitely makes it worse even if clean. The accessories seemed like a good bonus but in reality are useless as they take up too much space to leave in so I've taken them out. The drying mat also left a permanent stain on my brand new countertops though hopefully will come off with a stronger cleaner.
Date published: 2023-01-07
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Hi quality and options are too. This sink has it all. It is very sturdy and has a lot of room. The options are well made and have been used from day one. It's a great addition to our new kitchen.
Date published: 2023-01-04
Rated 4 out of 5 by from Delta stainless drop in sink High quality drop in stainless sink
Date published: 2022-12-30
Rated 2 out of 5 by from Finish Not Holding Up 2.0 This is my second review. My first was when it was only a few days old. While it remains a very functional sink, and we love the accessories, the finish is not holding up at all. It also scratches very easily. I can accept that, but not the stains. I have been using Weiman Stainless Steel Sink Wipes. In fact, if the display at Home Depot looked like my sink now, after only 9 months, no one would buy it. I plan on calling Kraus/Delta to see if there is a fix or if I can get it replaced or swapped out for a different sink. We had gorgeous granite countertops installed but to be honest, the sink is sort of embarrassing. Please help. Trusting you will stand by your product.
Date published: 2022-12-17
Rated 4 out of 5 by from Love this sink - needs a 2-piece grate please!! I love this sink. It is nice and large, and I love how the cutting board and drying rack fit into place. The sink grate is a nice quality, but it really needs to be a 2-piece unit so you can more easily clean the bottom of the sink and would also allow placement into the dishwasher. As is, I need to lug the large one-piece unit onto the counter, or tilt it up/back, potentially scratching the sink surface in the process. I would love to get a 2-piece upgrade if it ever becomes available. Amazon sells one for a Kohler sink that comes in 3 pieces, but the dimensions are off just enough I don't think it would fit well.
Date published: 2022-12-11
Rated 3 out of 5 by from sink scratches easily I want to say that I love everything about my sink. It is certainly beautiful and efficient, and I love all of the workflow accessories. However, the first time I tried to remove food stuck to the bottom using a 2-sided scrub pad, I scratched the sink! It was not a metal scrubber. Now I have scratch marks on my beautiful new sink!
Date published: 2022-11-20
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Great look I bought this three day's ago from home depot not ace, my mistake
Date published: 2022-11-19
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Delta 30 inch Stainless Steel Work Station Sink This sink was installed to replace our builder grade double sink. This sink is beautiful and we love it. Makes such a huge difference in our kitchen
Date published: 2022-11-03
Rated 3 out of 5 by from Horrible Bottom Sink Rack The bottom sink rack is one piece and too big to fit into any dishwasher, and it is so large one has to be very careful when trying to lift it to clean underneath so as to not scratch the sides. I certainly hope one day Delta makes this in two pieces.
Date published: 2022-10-17
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Accessories nice too! Love our new sink, tried putting pics up
Date published: 2022-10-01
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Preguntas y respuestas

Can this sink be used as an over mount (on top of the countertop) sink?

Asked by: Mel2
Hi Mel2, Thank you for reaching out, I can answer your question. This model sink cannot be mounted as a top mount as the flange is not designed to support the weight of the sink from the top of a counter. I would recommend the use of another top mount sink such as the model 95A932-25S-SS. Please feel free to contact us directly by phone at 1-800-345-3358 or email at with any additional questions.
Answered by: Customer Service
Date published: 2024-03-28

We are missing the sink strainer to the sink 95B9032-17S-SS. Can we order a replacement? We purchased this sink in April 2023

Asked by: Sharon

Would like to buy a extra drain cover for sink 95b9132-23s-ss

Asked by: PFS70

Does the Delta Lorelai 30” Workstation come in a version with the drain offset on the left rather than the right-hand side?

Asked by: PSHo
Hi PSHo, Thank you for contacting us at Delta Faucet! Unfortunately, this Delta Faucet Lorelai model is not available with the drain offset on a different side. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Please contact us directly if further assistance is needed at this time.   Best Regards, Tim Digital Communications Specialist (800) 345-3358
Answered by: Customer Service
Date published: 2024-03-28

We renovated a house and bought the Lorelei 45 inch sink and it came with all of the accessories but the bottom grid was missing… Is there a way to order just that?

Asked by: Montgomery
Hi Montgomery, Thank you for reaching out! We are happy to assist you in this matter. To order the Bottom Grid, please feel free to contact us directly by phone at 1-800-345-3358 or email at so we may further assist you.
Answered by: Customer Service
Date published: 2024-07-10

what is the corner radius

Asked by: Winter
Thanks for your inquiry. Please feel free to reach out to us directly at 800-345-3358 so we can better assist you.
Answered by: DeltaFaucet
Date published: 2024-03-28

I am thinking of purchasing the Delta Lorelai 33" Drop-In sink (Model: 95A9032-T33D-SS). Currently, it only have two top holes on the sink, and I need to add a third top hole. Is this something you can add if I purchase the sink?

Asked by: David
Hi David, Thank you for your interest in our kitchen sink! Unfortunately, a third hole cannot be added to the 95A9032-T33D-SS, or any of our Top Mount Stainless Steel Sinks. Please feel free to contact us directly by phone at 1-800-345-3358 or email at with any additional questions.
Answered by: Customer Service
Date published: 2024-11-12

Can I buy a replacement cutting board?  

Asked by: Aslee
Hello Aslee, We would be be happy to assist you in obtaining a cutting board for your 95B932-30S-SS kitchen sink. Please contact us directly by phone at 1-800-345-3358 or email at and we would be happy to assist ASAP.
Answered by: John
Date published: 2024-03-28
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* El precio real puede variar, y lo determina el minorista/mayorista/distribuidor que vende el producto.