Llave para cocina extensible de una manija con tubo de salida con muelle con tecnología Touch<sub>2</sub>O® en Arctic Stainless

N.º de modelo: 9659T-AR-DST
Llave para cocina extensible de una manija con tubo de salida con muelle con tecnología Touch<sub>2</sub>O® en Arctic Stainless
N.º de modelo: 9659T-AR-DST
Precio de lista: $1,13290
Tóquela para que se abra. Tóquela para que se cierre. Con la tecnología Touch2O®, no importa si tiene las manos ocupadas o los dedos sucios. Toque cualquier parte del tubo de salida o de la manija de la llave con la mano, la muñeca o el antebrazo para abrir o cerrar el flujo de agua. La tecnología Touch2O se diseñó para facilitar las tareas de la cocina porque le permite abrir y cerrar la llave con solo un toque en cualquier parte del tubo de salida o la manija de la llave. Diseñada para brindarle un control preciso y receptivo en todo momento, sin importar dónde toque. Puede controlar fácilmente y cambiar la temperatura del agua desde arriba de la encimera usando la manija de la llave. La tecnología TempSense™ mide la temperatura del agua en la llave. La luz de LED en la base de la llave cambia de azul a magenta a rojo, según la temperatura del agua, para indicarle cuándo la temperatura del agua es ideal para usted. El adaptador de CA EP102157 está disponible para comprar por separado como opción para no tener que cambiar las baterías. Aunque se use el adaptador, igualmente se recomiendan las baterías como respaldo por si se interrumpe el suministro eléctrico. Una vez restablecido el suministro, la válvula solenoide regresará automáticamente a usar la alimentación de CA. En consonancia con el compromiso de Delta con la conservación, todos los modelos Touch2O tienen un consumo eficiente de agua. La varilla de rociado para tubo de salida deslizable se libera tirando suavemente y le otorga total flexibilidad. La manguera se extiende y retrae sin puntos de fricción, alimentada por la gravedad. Al levantar la varilla para acoplarla, el imán integrado en el tubo de salida la retrae con precisión hasta su lugar. Gracias al acoplamiento MagnaTite®, su llave extensible seguirá viéndose como nueva, a diferencia de otras llaves que tienden a caerse con el paso del tiempo. La exclusiva tecnología de sellado DIAMOND Seal® de Delta presenta una válvula con un revestimiento resistente de diamante. Los conductos de agua de PEX InnoFlex® evitan que el agua dentro de la llave entre en contacto con posibles contaminantes metálicos. Esta potente combinación le ofrece una llave fabricada para hasta cinco millones de usos. Solo las llaves de Delta incluyen pequeñas boquillas flexibles Touch-Clean® de caucho que le permiten limpiar con facilidad la acumulación de calcio y cal con solo deslizar el dedo.
  • Llave de accionamiento táctil con tecnología Touch2O
  • Se activa y desactiva con solo tocar el tubo de salida o la manija
  • El indicador de encendido/apagado indica cuándo la batería se está acabando.
  • El agua se cierra automáticamente luego de cuatro minutos de haberla dejado corriendo.
  • La luz de LED TempSense™ integrada indica la temperatura del agua: cambia de azul a magenta y de magenta a rojo a medida que aumenta la temperatura.
  • Funciona con 6 baterías AA (incluidas), con una duración de las baterías de hasta 1 año, o 6 C (no incluidas), con una duración de aproximadamente 3 años.
  • La tecnología Touch2O® intuitiva detecta la diferencia cuando se toca el producto y cuando se lo golpea, y así, se reducen las posibilidades de activación falsa
  • El adaptador de CA EP102157 opcional puede pedirse por separado
  • El acoplamiento MagnaTite® utiliza un potente imán integrado para colocar la varilla rociadora de la llave de manera precisa en su lugar y mantenerla allí para que permanezca acoplada cuando no está en uso, y no se cae con el tiempo
  • Gracias a la tecnología de sellado DIAMOND™ Seal, la instalación es más fácil y la llave funciona como si fuera nueva de por vida, ya que se reducen los puntos de fuga y la duración es dos veces superior en comparación con los productos estándar de la industria.
  • Cumple con las normas de la Ley para Estadounidenses con Discapacidades (ADA, por sus siglas en inglés)
  • Los suaves orificios rociadores de goma Touch-Clean® le permiten limpiar fácilmente la acumulación de calcio y cal con solo deslizar el dedo
  • Instalación de 8" con 1 o 3 orificios; pida la cubierta RP64070AR para la instalación con 3 orificios
  • El diseño de cuello de ganso con arco elevado gira 360 grados con una manguera retráctil de 20" para una comodidad superior durante las tareas cotidianas de la cocina.
  • Todo lo que necesita en una conveniente caja, que incluye líneas de suministro PEX InnoFlex®
  • La caja de la batería se puede montar en el gabinete con la tornillería de montaje incluida.
Technology and Special Features
Cumplimiento con la ADA
Libres de plomo
VoiceIQ® Compatible
Documentos y especificaciones
Información de instalación
Instalación con 1 o 3 orificios de 8"
Instalación con 1 o 3 orificios de 8"
Longitud total:
8 7/8
Overall Height (in.) :
20 3/8
1.8 gpm a 60 psi, 6.8 l/min. a 414 kPa
Tipo de válvula:
Disco cerámico


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Mike y Hanna
Miniatura del logotipo de Delta

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Rated 5 out of 5 by from touch feature is great look, functionality and touch feature are better than expected.
Date published: 2022-03-01
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Love it Love this faucet, it’s absolutely gorgeous in my newly renovated kitchen.
Date published: 2022-02-11
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Can't wait to buy again! I put this in home I just sold. I moved and I really miss it! I miss the touch anywhere feature very much. I miss the spray nozzle. I miss the light that indicates the temperature. When the faucet in my new home dies, I'm going to buy this one again!
Date published: 2021-12-22
Rated 2 out of 5 by from inconsistent touch Like the basic function of the faucet. it is high over the sink. nice spray. finish is easy to clean. not crazy about the inability to clean under the spring that covers the hose. should have a simple way to do that. The big issue is the touch feature. change the temperature or flow and the unit goes on and off rapidly. retract the faucet head, water turns off. it is so inconsistent and annoying that i wish i hadn't spent so much money to have it. when features don't work as advertised they become an annoyance.
Date published: 2021-11-28
Rated 1 out of 5 by from 14 months old already broken This faucet started leaking at the handle at 14 months after installation (new construction). Warranty support is non-existed despite the information that came with the fauscet.
Date published: 2021-11-21
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Perfect faucet We’ve quickly adjusted to our touch faucet and wow does it make prep and cleaning easier. The color indicator for water temp is a great feature. The detachable hose allows for cleaning in every area of my large sink. Great quality. This faucet takes batteries or you can purchase the A/C power supply-which is what we did.
Date published: 2021-10-05
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Classic contemporary Pull down spray Faucet Classic contemporary design
Date published: 2021-08-26
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Worth every dollar! Looks even niver than I thought and we finally have a faucet that reaches to the disposal and drain! The magnet and touch activation are so wonderful, I completely forgot what we paid for this.
Date published: 2021-07-02
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Family Purchases! We loved it so much we bought each for our son and daughter!
Date published: 2021-04-08
Rated 1 out of 5 by from Touch technology doesn’t work This is a nice looking faucet but the touch technology doesn’t work. You pull the lever out to start water flow but it stops as you remove your hand from the lever, so you have to touch it again for the water to flow again. Sometimes, I’m not sure if it’s from water splashing or what but, the water will stop suddenly without touching it causing you to touch it again to resume water flow. Some of the times it takes several touches for it to restart. Having paid extra $$ for this feature was not worth it, I wish I hadn’t done it. :( Get the regular - without touch technology - faucet as it is a good looking faucet and it makes a statement in the kitchen. I wish I could post a video of the malfunctions.
Date published: 2021-04-02
Rated 1 out of 5 by from Touch feature has major issues - hacky fix tl;dr - Beautiful, but problematic. Would not buy this again. I installed this item in July and installed it a few weeks after. It worked great for a month, but started acting up in September. Touching anywhere higher than the base would work sporadically. It would also sometimes turn on by itself with no one near it. I opened up a ticket in October and went back and forth with numerous agent. I've changed the batteries, the placement of the battery holder, made sure none of the wires are touching. I've swapped out a plastic piece. I've replaced the solenoid module. The ticket has been open for 4 months with no resolution. I finally tried a hack that has made the problem 80% better, but still not 100%. If you have a similar problem, you can pull the neck off from the base (it just pulls up), then wrap aluminum foil around as pictured. Be sure the foil not only wraps around the plastic, but coils in to touch the metal beneath as well. This improves the conductivity. It's hacky but has made this $900 faucet useable. I'm still waiting for Delta to make this right. btw, I've sent many videos and photos to show my installation was correct. I also have a second sink with a different model Delta touch faucet and that thing works 100% of the time.
Date published: 2021-02-27
Rated 5 out of 5 by from touch for on and off Fast turn on and off. Less wasted water. Less splash from hands.
Date published: 2021-01-07
Rated 4 out of 5 by from Less drip A bit pricy, but worth it. Our old faucet turned off next to the spout so every time your hands were wet the backsplash got wet requiring it to be dried after every use. now We just touch the metal spout and the water shuts off. .
Date published: 2020-12-25
Rated 1 out of 5 by from I would give this a 5 star rating but..... I have a 46" wide sink and purchased two of these faucets to go with it. Both faucets have been installed for about a month now. I love the faucets and the touch feature but this evening, one of the faucets will not stop dripping when I use the touch function to shut it off. I have to manually shut it off (it will stop dripping when I do it manually). So, it drips when I touch to shut off. The other faucet is still working fine. Please help me. My husband did not want to get these faucets saying they will break in no time. I want to prove him wrong!
Date published: 2020-10-06
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Works as advertised. No problems with the installation.
Date published: 2020-07-27
Rated 5 out of 5 by from delta 9659 DST It is a lovely accessory to our kitchen, provides an added sense of depth to the sink, and is easy to turn on/off when our hands are messy.
Date published: 2020-07-25
Rated 5 out of 5 by from It's my second I have one at my main house. We got to our vacation home and we keep hitting the old faucet to turn it and it didn't work. We replaced the faucet with the DST and now are back to our great normal. its fun and cleaner.
Date published: 2020-07-20
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Great faucet It's a wonderful faucet. Beautiful and works great. I had a plumber install it, but it came with good directions. I would buy it again.
Date published: 2020-04-28
Rated 1 out of 5 by from Has not worked well after the first month. Once the spray button has pushed it will not release unless you take a pairing knife or the likes to the other button to release. Very disappointed and aggravated with this item.
Date published: 2020-04-24
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Beautiful and functional I installed this faucet as part of a recent kitchen remodel. Everyone who visits wants to touch it, turn it off and on, and comments on how beautiful it is. It has enough “wow factor” to anchor one side of the kitchen. Great choice.
Date published: 2020-03-06
Rated 4 out of 5 by from Nice features We’ve had this installed for about a month. We did have to purchase a different base for it to fit our sink. The features are nice. It’s larger than I was expecting, but it allows room for you to maneuver larger dishes underneath without having to pull the nozzle out. I will say that when I ordered, I thought the hose/spout was smooth, which I really liked the look of. However, it’s actually coiled. Isn’t a huge deal breaker, obviously because we kept it, but just in case your eyes are seeing a smooth finish like mine did, it’s not lol.
Date published: 2019-12-06
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Love everything about this faucet Touch feature works great, great quality faucet, easy to clean (chrome), spray is good. I will never go back to a faucet that doesn't have the touch sensor. I replaced my original grohe touch faucets after a few months of use as they didn't work well. My husband installed them (not a plumber, but he's handy) in about 30 minutes. I've had them for close to a year and have had no issues!
Date published: 2019-11-30
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Excellent faucet I installed my self in our new kitchen remodel works flawless. Never knew how I lived without having it. When I go to friend and family homes I find myself taping their faucet out of habit. Works great
Date published: 2019-11-19
Rated 5 out of 5 by from So beautiful! I got this to replace my broken kitchen sink faucet. It has a lot of great features. It has two spray settings, normal and spray like a shower head. I really love the pull down hose, it's really useful for washing awkward dishes and the sink itself. The coolest feature is that if you leave the faucet on the "on" position while cooking you can just tap the top of the faucet with the back of your hand, elbow, or wrist to prevent cross contamination. The light let's you know how cold or hot the water is that is coming out. It does take 6 AA batteries but they also sell am adapter kit if you don't want to mess with batteries. This is the best kitchen faucet I've ever used. I love it!
Date published: 2019-10-22
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Incredible! This thing is awesome! Such a change from the conventional faucet. Im still learning how everything works but once we get the hang of everything Im sure we will love it that much more, I would highly recommend!
Date published: 2019-10-22
Rated 4 out of 5 by from Stylish Features This faucet has a nice stylish sleek stainless steel design that will look good in any type of kitchen. You do not need to have a special deep sink of special designed sink to make it work. It looked really nice in my kitchen with my sink. I love that this faucet is able to be turned on when you touch it, you do not have to turn the handle. It give you the opportunity to turn it on if your hands are full or if you have stuff all over your hands. You just have to tap the side of the faucet. Also on the faucet is a temperature light, so you know what the faucet is set to so you do not burn your hands when it turns on. The handle of the faucet is very long and it can come off the holder and back with a magnet to give you more access to pots and pans, and then the sprayer of the handle comes off as well and extends for further use. You can change the sprayer to solid flow or use as a sprayer. Very easy to install and certainly made to last for quite a long time.
Date published: 2019-10-20
Rated 5 out of 5 by from OMG Gorgeous faucet I was speechless when I saw the size of the box when it was delivered. I was even more surprised when I saw the faucet. It is simply gorgeous and offers a lot of features. I have remodeled most of my kitchen other them my countertops and sink. The Delta Trinsic Pro Touch2O single handle pull-down one touch faucet does almost everything other than washing your dishes for you. You can tap anywhere on the faucet to turn it on or off (love it). The LED light at the base of the faucet that changes colors based on whether the water temperature is hot or cold is a great idea. You can purchase and adaptor that will also run the faucet on AC power versus battery power. You can make your Delta Trinsic smart by adding the Voice IQ; it allows you to control some aspects of your faucet using Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant devices. I totally love my new faucet. Great Job Delta!!
Date published: 2019-10-18
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Touch and go This is a larger high loop faucet that is as modern looking as it is functioning. It is of a solid brass construction where you would expect it and the finish is well done. It was a snap to install and was ready to go in 15 minutes. It has an electronic touch on and off or use the handle. You still control the temp by the handle but an LED light indicates the current temp when you touch it on. The electronics have a 5 year warrantee and the rest is lifetime.
Date published: 2019-10-18
Rated 5 out of 5 by from What an AMAZING faucet!!! I was so excited to try and use the Delta Single Handle Pull-Down Spring Spout Kitchen Faucet with Touch2O® Technology. It was easy to install with the help of my dad. The faucet stands tall and is very sturdy which helps when you have big/tall items in the sink you are trying to clean. The features are awesome, the spring part of the faucet is held in place by a magnet and you can remove it for extra movement and it easily docks back into place. The pull down sprayer makes it even easier to utilize and you can choose the regular flow of the faucet or at the push of a button have a spray option. My two favorite features are the touch technology and the LED temperature light. The touch technology makes it easy to turn on the faucet with just a "tap" instead of having to manually turn a knob to access water. When your hands are dirty this makes it especially convenient. The LED light helps you know when the water is cool or warm to the touch by showing a blue light for cool, purple hue for warm and red for hot. I would suggest this faucet to anyone who wants a classy looking, modern, tech savvy faucet that is "cook friendly". People who spend a lot of time in the kitchen will really get spoiled by not having to worry about turning the faucet on with dirty hands.
Date published: 2019-10-17
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Beyond Happy!!! I love this Delta faucet. This faucet has met my expectations and beyond. I like the way the faucet looks, like I have an industrial kitchen!!! The faucet did required an additional plate for installation. I’m not sure what I like best about the faucet that I can just touch the faucet to turns on automatically or that the faucet has a light so I can see what the temperature is as well as set it, getting the hang of it. The faucet has been handy in my kitchen, I enjoy cooking and spent a lot of time in the there. The spout drop down so I can rinse around the sink or the faucet has a toggle for spraying or a steady stream. My husband didn't have any trouble installing this faucet, maybe about an hour or so. My old faucet was a 25 year old plus, Delta as well and I loved that one as well. Delta stands by their products that I can attest to.
Date published: 2019-10-17
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  • reviews, product
Preguntas y respuestas

Is there a power adapter so I don't have to use batteries

Asked by: Wade
Hi, Wade! Thank you for your question. We do offer an A/C Adapter as a separate purchase for the Delta 9659T-AR-DST Faucet. The part number is EP73954. Here is a link to the A/C adapter: https://www.deltafaucet.com/parts-product-detail?modelNumber=EP73954 Best Regards, Rosanna
Answered by: Delta Faucet
Date published: 2024-03-28

Can I get this is regular stainless steel color?

Asked by: Becky
Thank you for your question. The Delta model 9659T is only available in Arctic Stainless, Black Stainless and Chrome. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Best regards, Edward
Answered by: Delta Faucet
Date published: 2024-03-28

We change the battery out on this faucet. Afterwards we tried turning on the Fossett and there is very low pressure now. I tried to turn it on manually by disconnecting D batteries while the water was on but still low pressure now. Please help

Asked by: Bbender
Hello Bbender, Thank you for your question regarding the Trinsic Pro Pull-Down Kitchen 9659T-AR-DST model. To flush out the valve body, so that these parts do last as long as possible, please first turn off the water supply to the faucet. Gather an adjustable wrench, some towels and a bucket. Disconnect the hot side Innoflex line. Move the handle to the full on position, middle temp. Point the hot side Innoflex line into a bucket. Turn on the cold supply valve full. Let a gallon or two flow into the bucket. Shut off cold supply. Check bucket for debris. If no debris, empty bucket and run one more time. Move handle to off position. Reattach hot side line. Turn on both water supply valves. Best regards, Tanya
Answered by: Delta Faucet
Date published: 2024-03-28

Can this faucet be mounted with the control level facing directly toward the sink / user?

Asked by: Paul R
Hi, Paul R! Thank you for your question. The handle assembly cannot be mounted in the front for the Delta 9659T-AR-DST faucet since the LED light base will need to be facing front. Best Regards, Rosanna
Answered by: Delta Faucet
Date published: 2024-03-28

Is Artic Stainless like a brushed nickel?

Asked by: Betsy307
Thank you for your question, Betsy307! The Delta finish Brushed Nickel is a matte brushed finish, which matches most Stainless Steel finishes closely and has warmer tones, with more red in the color spectrum, whereas Arctic Stainless is a lighter, cooler metallic tone where blue is more predominant. Best regards, Edward
Answered by: Delta Faucet
Date published: 2024-03-28

Will the Trinsic eventually have the option to get the shield spray?

Asked by: DjAM620
DjAM620, Thank you for your question. The Trinsic collection is not currently planned to have ShieldSpray. Please click the link below to find models that have the ShieldSpray feature. https://www.deltafaucet.com/design-innovation/innovations/kitchen/shieldspray Best regards, Jon
Answered by: DeltaFaucet3
Date published: 2024-03-28


What specific material is this faucet made from?
Asked by: 7$552
7$552, Thank you for your question. The body, spout, and handle are metal. We do not have a complete breakdown of materials, but the faucet has brass, Zinc, and stainless steel components and non-metallic components. Best regards, Jon
Answered by: DeltaFaucet3
Date published: 2024-03-28

where are the batteries

Asked by: anna
Thank you for your question, Anna! The batteries are kept in a battery box that is located out of sight, below the counter. The box will accept either 6 AA (included) for up to 2 year battery life or 6 C (not included) for up to 5 year battery life. Please feel free to contact us directly if you have any questions or need further assistance. Best regards, Edward
Answered by: Delta Faucet
Date published: 2024-03-28
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  • questions, product
* El precio real puede variar, y lo determina el minorista/mayorista/distribuidor que vende el producto.