Llave para barra/preparación de alimentos extensible de una manija con tecnología Touch<sub>2</sub>O® en cromado

N.º de modelo: 9913T-DST
Llave para barra/preparación de alimentos extensible de una manija con tecnología Touch<sub>2</sub>O® en cromado
N.º de modelo: 9913T-DST
Precio de lista: $59160
Tóquela para que se abra. Tóquela para que se cierre. Ya sea que tenga las manos ocupadas o los 10 dedos sucios, la tecnología Touch2O® de Delta® ayuda a mantener la limpieza de su llave, incluso cuando tiene las manos sucias. Un simple toque en cualquier parte del tubo de salida o de la manija con la muñeca o el brazo activa el flujo de agua a la temperatura establecida según el ajuste de la manija. La luz de LED TempSense™ de Delta cambia de color para indicarle la temperatura del agua y descartar cualquier sorpresa o incomodidad que pudiera surgir. El acoplamiento MagnaTite® de Delta® cuenta con un potente imán integrado que permite colocar la varilla de rociado de la llave en su lugar y la sostiene allí para que permanezca acoplada cuando no está en uso. Las llaves con tecnología de sellado DIAMOND™ Seal de Delta® funcionan como si fueran nuevas de por vida porque cuentan con un diseño patentado gracias al cual se reducen los puntos de fuga, la instalación es más sencilla y duran el doble que el estándar de la industria*. Las llaves para cocina con orificios rociadores Touch-Clean® le permiten limpiar con facilidad la acumulación de calcio y cal con solo deslizar el dedo. Usted puede realizar la instalación con confianza, ya que tendrá la tranquilidad de saber que las llaves de Delta están respaldadas por nuestra garantía limitada de por vida. Los componentes electrónicos están respaldados por nuestra garantía para componentes electrónicos por 5 años. *Estándar de la industria basado en ASME A112.18.1 de 500,000 ciclos.
  • Con tecnología Touch2O®, con solo tocar cualquier parte de la salida de la tina o la manija se abre y se cierra el flujo de agua
  • Permite mantener la llave más limpia, porque al lavarse las manos no tiene por qué ensuciar su llave
  • La luz LED azul indica cuándo se activa el modo táctil, y la luz roja, cuándo la batería se está acabando
  • El corte automático del flujo de agua después de cuatro minutos ayuda a ahorrar agua
  • La luz de LED TempSense™ integrada indica la temperatura del agua: cambia de azul a magenta y de magenta a rojo a medida que aumenta la temperatura.
  • Funciona con 6 baterías AA (incluidas), con una duración de las baterías de hasta 1 año, o 6 C (no incluidas), con una duración de aproximadamente 3 años.
  • La tecnología Touch2O® intuitiva detecta la diferencia cuando se toca el producto y cuando se lo golpea, y así, se reducen las posibilidades de activación falsa
  • El adaptador de CA EP102157 opcional puede pedirse por separado
  • El acoplamiento MagnaTite® utiliza un potente imán integrado para colocar la varilla rociadora de la llave de manera precisa en su lugar y mantenerla allí para que permanezca acoplada cuando no está en uso, y no se cae con el tiempo
  • Los suaves orificios rociadores de goma Touch-Clean® le permiten limpiar fácilmente la acumulación de calcio y cal con solo deslizar el dedo
  • Gracias a la tecnología de sellado DIAMOND™ Seal, la instalación es más fácil y la llave funciona como si fuera nueva de por vida, ya que se reducen los puntos de fuga y la duración es dos veces superior en comparación con los productos estándar de la industria.
  • Todo lo que necesita en una conveniente caja, que incluye líneas de suministro PEX InnoFlex®
  • Instalación con 1 o 3 orificios de 8"
  • Cumplimiento con la ADA
  • La salida de la tina deslizable y de arco elevado gira 360°
  • La salida de la tina deslizable y de arco elevado gira 360°
Technology and Special Features
Cumplimiento con la ADA
Control de volumen
Libres de plomo
Uso eficiente del agua
VoiceIQ® Compatible
Documentos y especificaciones
Información de instalación
Instalación con 1 o 3 orificios de 8"
Instalación con 1 o 3 orificios de 8"
Overall Height (in.) :
1.8 gpm a 60 psi, 6.8 l/min. a 414 kPa
Tipo de válvula:
Disco cerámico


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Mike y Hanna
Miniatura del logotipo de Delta

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Rated 1 out of 5 by from Sprayer Head Rusts The product, designed to control the flow of water is made with materials which rust... Seriously, after two years of use, the magnet which attaches the sprayer head to the main body is rusted to a point where it no longer sits flush. This is an expensive premium faucet, especially when you get the Touch2O version. It's just blatantly unacceptable.
Date published: 2025-02-25
Rated 1 out of 5 by from Great Service somewhere else Purchased new Essa TOUCH 20 kitchen faucet and when opened there was an empty plastic bag that should have contained a part or parts. The bag had two numbers that appear to be some sort of part number. The Essa faucet had no packing information / parts list! I tried to "Chat" with Frank and he asked for picture after picture and then said he did not know what the bag was but he "thought" I got everything that should be included. I then called Delta's customer no service phone number and explained the empty parts bag in the faucet box and asked what was missing, The lady asked where I bought the faucet and when I told her she said I should call Amazon. I told her I would return it to Amazon and give Delta a zero review and she tried to backtrack THEY DO NOT PROVIDE ANY SERVICE and if you ever need help good luck to you!! They claim to provide great service, but it must be to mystery customers. I got none after buying a $300++ faucet. RUN TO KOHLER OR MOEN OR SOMEONE ELSE. I might add the packing in this box was pathetic and the parts were lose and rattling with many fine scratches on the faucet where it appears to have been beating on the box. Have honestly never seen packing of ANYTHING this poorly done, everything was simply laying on or in a cardboard mold, loose.
Date published: 2025-02-18
Rated 1 out of 5 by from Great Service just not for you Purchased new Essa TOUCH 20 kitchen faucet and when opened there was an empty plastic bag that should have contained a part or parts. The bag had two numbers that appear to be some sort of part number. The Essa faucet had no packing information / parts list! I tried to "Chat" with Frank and he asked for picture after picture and then said he did not know what the bag was but he "thought" I got everything that should be included. I then called Delta's customer no service phone number and explained the empty parts bag in the faucet box and asked what was missing, The lady asked where I bought the faucet and when I told her she said I should call Amazon. I told her I would return it to Amazon and give Delta a zero review and she tried to backtrack THEY DO NOT PROVIDE ANY SERVICE and if you ever need help good luck to you!! They claim to provide great service, but it must be to mystery customers. I got none after buying a $300++ faucet. RUN TO KOHLER OR MOEN OR SOMEONE ELSE. I might add the packing in this box was pathetic and the parts were lose and rattling with many fine scratches on the faucet where it appears to have been beating on the box. Have honestly never seen packing of ANYTHING this poorly done, everything was simply laying on or in a cardboard mold, loose.
Date published: 2025-02-18
Rated 1 out of 5 by from This faucet ruining our wood floors!! The cartridge in the faucet broke and started leaking. The plumber came and said the cartridge was a different design than the standard one that they keep on their truck. We had to wait multiple day to order the new cartridge in. A few months later, it starts leaking again but this time during the night. It leaked so much that it ruined our hard wood floors in our kitchen. Delta agreed to send us a new faucet with the original design cartridge which helps but we will need to replace our wood floors now thanks to this faucet!!! Do not order this!! Order one with original cartridge design!!
Date published: 2024-09-25
Rated 3 out of 5 by from Good but not great I was excited about this faucet but it really has been frustrating. It looks good, I love the temp color LED, and it look good, Unfortunately, the spray head only stays straight in the swingarm - means you can't point the head somewhere and have it stay there. The spray selection, stream or spray, doesn't reset to stream when off -- I can't tell you how many times I've sprayed all over by accident. But the kicker is, the ToucH20 turns itself off and on by itself when using -- it doesn't take a full touch to toggle, even a brush by without touching the faucet will turn it on/off. It's a pain. I tried to disconnect the clip from the shank, but the faucet doesn't work at all then. The installation manual states " see manual bypass of electronics" but there isn't a section...
Date published: 2024-07-28
Rated 1 out of 5 by from Great when it works We spent the extra money on this pricey faucet when we remodeled our kitchen 2 years ago. We have had a love hate relationship ever since. The touch feature has a mind of its own. When it works properly it is wonderfully handy. Especially when cooking and your hands are dirty. However, from the very beginning we have had issues of it not turning on. It will go for 2 or 3 days and work perfectly, then suddenly just stops and I have to completely disconnect everything and use the faucet without any of the touch technology connected. I wait a while and reconnect and it will run again. So when this first started happening I did some research and I added the ac plug rather than it running on batteries only. I replaced AA batteries and used the larger batteries. I ensured the battery pack is placed correctly on the bottom of the cabinet away from anything else. I’ve completed every single trouble shooting action DELTA has posted on the troubleshooting tips. And yet this problem persists. So I got on the website tonight to investigate replacing the solenoid only to find that it is $170 which is over half the price of a brand new faucet and only $30-$50 cheaper than other models of Delta touch faucets. I find this ridiculous for a two year old faucet. I cannot recommend this faucet or any Delta touch faucet given my experience.
Date published: 2024-04-02
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Touch faucet easy and solid performer Great Touch faucet. easy to install and works "like it says on the tin"
Date published: 2024-02-06
Rated 1 out of 5 by from Awful!!! This should never have been released. Ever try to control flow when the water goes off , or every time you pull or replace the sprayer head? How about that the magnetic assembly that is supposed to keep the sprayer in position totally disintegrates...It is extremely "touchy" - anything laid down near it causes to go on or off. If you just slightly touch the handle it will respond when you do n to want it to. Have been tortured with this for 3 years and am now going to replace it with something better and les expensive, perhaps a Grohe...
Date published: 2024-01-30
  • y_2025, m_2, d_28, h_5
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  • clientName_deltafaucet
  • bvseo_sdk, dw_cartridge, 18.2.0, p_sdk_3.2.0
  • CLOUD, getReviews, 8ms
  • reviews, product
Preguntas y respuestas

How tall is this faucet

Asked by: Christian
Thank you for your question, Christian! The Delta Essa Touch2O Pull-Down Bar/Prep 9913T-DST faucet has a total height of 15&quot; (381 mm). https://media.deltafaucet.com/SpecSheet/DSP-K-9113T-DST%20Rev%20A.pdf Best regards, Tanya
Answered by: Tanya
Date published: 2024-03-28

temperature light stays red all the time. Is there anyway to correct this?

Asked by: bullgreen
Hi, Bullgreen! Thank you for your question and I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing an issue with your LED light on your faucet. We recommend to reset the LED light wire and battery pack. To do this, disconnect the LED light wire from the solenoid. Disconnect the battery pack. Wait a full minute. While you are waiting a full minute, you can check batteries and see if they are in good condition, even try new batteries. Make sure they're all in the correct direction and tightly secured in the battery pack. After a full minute, reconnect the LED light wire into the solenoid and then reconnect the battery pack. Wait another full minute. After the full minute, you can then check your faucet and see if the blue light works better. If this does not fix the issue, please contact our Delta Customer Service line at (800)345-3358. We are available Monday-Friday, 7am-7pm, CST and Saturday, 8am-5pm, CST. You may also email at customerservice@deltafaucet.com. Best Regards, Rosanna
Answered by: DeltaFaucet11
Date published: 2024-03-28

I need to order a replacement Solenoid Assembly for my Delta Essa Faucet model 9913-DST in Matte Black. I have it narrowed down to EP92546 or EP92546XX. How do I determine which is the right part to order?

Asked by: Nick
Hi, Nick! Thank you for your question. The Delta 9913T-BL-DST uses the Delta EP92546XX solenoid assembly. Best Regards, Rosanna
Answered by: DeltaFaucet11
Date published: 2024-03-28

The light indicator stays red when water is running and does not turn blue to indicate cold water. It does not flash just turns on Red. What is causing this and how do I fix it?

Asked by: T Money
Hi, T Money! Thank you for your question, and I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing an issue with your Delta kitchen faucet. We recommend to reset the LED light wire and battery pack. To do this, disconnect the LED light wire from the solenoid. Disconnect the battery pack. Wait a full minute. While you are waiting a full minute, you can check batteries and see if they are in good condition, even try new batteries. Make sure they're all in the correct direction and tightly secured in the battery pack. After a full minute, reconnect the LED light wire into the solenoid and then reconnect the battery pack. Wait another full minute. After the full minute, you can then check your faucet and see if the blue light works better. If this does not fix the issue, please contact our Delta Customer Service line at (800)345-3358. We are available Monday-Friday, 7am-7pm, CST and Saturday, 8am-5pm, CST. You may also email at customerservice@deltafaucet.com. Best Regards, Rosanna
Answered by: DeltaFaucet11
Date published: 2024-03-28

can the faucet be installed with the handle on the left instead of the right?

Asked by: Jack
Thank you for your question, Jack. We recommend to install it with the handle on the right. If it is on the left, the handle will move backwards instead of forward and the light will be on the back. Best regards, Jon
Answered by: DeltaFaucet3
Date published: 2017-01-03


Asked by: kitkat123
Thank you for your question, Kitkat123! The battery box of the Delta Essa Kitchen Pull-Down 9113T-AR-DST faucet should be lying on the floor of the cabinet, 2 inches away from the wall and other items below the sink. The battery box is gray with a black top. https://media.deltafaucet.com/PartsDiagram/DPD-K-9113T-DST.pdf Best regards, Tanya
Answered by: Tanya
Date published: 2024-03-28

I have a 9913T-AR-DST and it has started leaking when it is off. I can stop the drips by turning the on-off handle to the off position, but when in the on position, it drips after being &quot;touched&quot; off. I cann find the part numbers for the cartridge.

Asked by: oldracerjones
Hello, Please accept our sincere apology for the inconvenience you are experiencing. We have reached out to you via email to further assist at this time. Best Regards, Tim Digital Communications Specialist
Answered by: Timothy
Date published: 2025-01-10

Does this come with matching drain?

Asked by: Molly
Dear Molly, Thank you for your inquiry! The Delta Essa Touch Kitchen 9113T-DST faucet does not come with a drain assembly. Drain assemblies usually only come in the box of a Lavatory bathroom sink faucet. Best regards, Tanya
Answered by: Tanya
Date published: 2017-02-21
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  • bvseo_sdk, dw_cartridge, 18.2.0, p_sdk_3.2.0
  • CLOUD, getContent, 68ms
  • questions, product
* El precio real puede variar, y lo determina el minorista/mayorista/distribuidor que vende el producto.